Saturday, August 16, 2008

And Our Baby's Sex Is......

So we had our ultrasound last week, I know, I'm a little late, but there was definately no mistaking that it's a BBBOOOYYYYY!!!!! Oh we are totally excited! It will be our last child and the fact that its a boy is just the greatest gift! Now all we can do is continue praying that he and I remain healthy and everything goes well!! Thanks for all of your prayers...(those of you who did pray), they were and are very much appreciated! The ultrasound was considered a Limited ultrasound because the baby was breech and sitting almost indian style with his feet up under his butt. They couldn't really get good pictures or measurements, but right off the bat he had his little legs spread eagle and we were able to see his dog! Then it's like right after that, he curled up in his little ball and remained that way the rest of the appointment. We will let you know more as we find out more! Thanks again for the prayers!


walters said...

Congrats! That couldn't have been more perfect news! I bet you were so excited! I so love love boys! You are going to have so much fun! I am so excited for you!