Thursday, July 10, 2008

Finally, a 4th of July Update!

We had a really good 4th of July. We went to the lake and let the kids play in the water. It was a bit windy, but they had fun! Jeff had gone with a buddy the day before over to the Seattle area to the indian eservation called Boom city. They have a whole bunch of big fireworks for really cheap! Jeff ended up buying a whole bunch of stuff, including some mortors, the big ones that shoot out of the tubes and explode like you see in the city fireworks. Well we found out the hard way, that you can only use the tubes a couple of times, if they are cardboard.(which ours were) You can also get the plastic ones which last forever. Well after you use the tubes over and over, they start to either shrink, or just get filled with gun powder, kindof like an unclean gun barrel, and consequently, the mortor doesn't fire out....and blows up on the ground! Watch out! The first time, yes first time, this happened, the firework will make this noise, and you know your in better start running or take cover. Well Jeff was lighting them off and when it made the sound, he started running, and only got about 10-15 ft away, when it got tipped over by another one and shot out.....hitting him right in the thigh! Now you see how quick they shoot up, they must be going about 100-150 mph. It knocked Jeff to the ground! After he got up and "shook it off", we looked at his leg. It had torn the skin right through his shorts! When we got home about 2 hrs later, I took a picture. The top picture is the night it happened, and the bottom picture is 3 days later!!! Crazy! The knot is bigger than my hand and sticks out from his leg about 1 inch!!! OUCH! Luckily, he's okay! :)


Ritchies said...

That's more of Jeff than I ever wanted to see! I hope all goes well and he recovers quickly.